
many thanks...

Many thanks to all for a fun send-off at Dargans... not only did I learn how to take candid (aka stalker-ish) photos sans the flash (thanks Adam!), but Sam, Mav, and I also met our soulmate with a free glass of champagne... Oh Delinda... in your search for "real girls" at The Tonic on your probably 49th birthday you found Mav in the bathroom line... I do believe it was my farewell-fate that brought us to your cabana and allowed you to give us glass upon glass on champagne and try to pimp us out to your very old wealthy friends... oh yes. Only at The Tonic. What a way to end the night and end an era in SB...


LB said...

why do you call it THE tonic?!

audrey and josh said...

lb! have you BEEN to THE tonic? it only deserves the highest of respect... duh. and, i believe in a tipsy state of mind on saturday, that's how i referred to it all night... hence the proper title.

Sarah said...

I've been a bit slow at checking back at the ol' blog, but now I'm here I wanted to say how much fun we had at Dargan's with you all. Fun! And then again at the FisHouse. Hope you're doing well! I'll keep checking in. :)