
Sam's here!

Sam made it from Pasadena and we've had a relaxing time thus far... picked her up from the airport, made it to Mission Bay for breakfast, walked around Queen Street, checked into our Piha "bach" and had dinner at a restaurant overlooking the city -- I'm still in shock Sam made it the whole way through without a nap, but hey - she's hardcore.

Yesterday we made it to Ponsonby for some shopping, cafes, pedicures, and martinis... I love when Sam's in town. :)

Today we dropped her off at her cousins for a little family time and we'll pick her up Monday for a week of glowworm cave tubing, dolphin swimming, luau-type activities, biking and vineyard touring, and maybe skydiving... (yikes!) Don't freak out (mom and dad) - we'll be fine and keep you posted as the week unfolds. What a week!


benson said...

Sam's my kind of guest...pedicures and martinis.

Joeyolsen@gmail.com said...

Looks like a really nice house! And it sounds like you guys have some fun outings planned. It was great video chatting with you both few weeks ago, let's do that again soon! Love you both

vanbergen said...

Auds, you better go skydiving, if not your going to hear it from me for a long time. ha ha ha.