
and you thought skydiving was risky

On Saturday we took off for Waihiki Island... it's a 45 minute ferry away from Auckland and has wineries and beautiful beaches. The plan was originally to rent bikes and bike from winery to winery but we got a head's up that the island was quite hilly and it would be quite the workout to bike it all... so we opted for scooters. Oh man. Let's just say that Sam came closer to death by scooter than jumping out of a plane. Now, we love Sam, but balancing isn't her forte... and that may have caused her to almost scoot into 80 km per hour traffic... but alas, we made it through. Why we thought wine and scooters would be a good idea, no one will know, but it turned out that we ended up tasting more olive oil than wine on the trip so it all worked out.
It's a beautiful island with wonderful views and vineyards - although probably the most stressful winetasting we've ever done, it was still a fun and memorable experience.
We ended the night by doing some rockin t-shirt shopping back in Auckland - cool, local, not touristy NZ t-shirts here we come!

1 comment:

benson said...

what fun! Sam-- I can relate :)